This material is the property of Amy L. Lansky, PhD (Copyright (c) 2005--2008 Amy L. Lansky, PhD).
This material cannot be used without the permission of Amy Lansky (
Any use must mention Amy Lansky,, and be used in its complete form.
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NOTE: These shows are now available in both WMA and MP3 formats.
January 21, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Introductory Show.
A brief introduction to homeopathy and two anecdotes of
homeopathic cure of autism (besides Amy's son Max).
February 18, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
The story of how Amy's son Max recovered from autism using homeopathy.
March 18, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An introduction to homeopathic philosophy -- why do we get sick, the dangers of suppression,
how homeopathy achieves genuine cure rather than suppression, and what a cure looks
April 15, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Homeopathic treatment of autism -- an introduction.
May 20, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with homeopath John Melnychuk, CCH, RSHom(NA) (the homeopath who treated Max and now treats many other autistic children).
June 17, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Preparing for your first appointment with a homeopath -- what to expect, how to prepare.
July 15, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Your first appointment, the homeopath's reasoning process, taking your remedy, and issues such as antidoting and interactions with
allopathic drugs.
August 2005 -- repeat of February 2005.
September 16, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Remedy response -- what to expect, what the various possible responses mean, and how to prepare for your followup appointments.
October 21, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Nancy Frederick, CCH, RSHom(NA) (a homeopath from Maine who has a large and successful autism practice).
November 18, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
The history of homeopathy in the USA, with a special focus on treatment of epidemics in the 1800s and early 1900s, including the flu.
December 16, 2005:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Flu treatment. Plus, homeopathic cure stories from around the world (alzheimers, arsenic poisoning, kidney stones, bladder infections,
lyme disease, migraine, and more).
January 20, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Homeopathic treatment of autism -- FAQ.
February 2006 -- show cancelled.
March 17, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Erica McPhee, the mom of Kaiden, who was cured of autism thanks to homeopathic treatment.
April 21, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
First of a three part series on scientific studies pertaining to homeopathy. The focus of this show is on studies that prove
that homeopathy works and that its effects are not due to the "placebo effect."
May 19, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Part two of a series on scientific studies pertaining to homeopathy. The focus of this show is on double-blind placebo-controlled
studies that show that show homeopathy really is effective -- often more effective than allopathic medicine.
June 16, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Part three in a series on scientific studies pertaining to homeopathy. The focus of this show is: how can homeopathic remedies
really work? We find clues in recent advances in ultradilution physics, material science, and chaos and complexity theory. The
discussion will be easy for anyone to understand though! We also begin discussing -- what are homeopathic models for how the remedies
July 2006 -- repeat of March 2006.
August 18, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Models of remedy action. How do homeopaths understand the action of remedies? Several models are discussed:
action/counter-action -- i.e. the remedy increases the similar symptoms and the energy body
reacts to remove these symptoms; energetic strengthening via resonance with the remedy; replacement of the diseased energy in the vital
force with the energy of the remedy; providing information to the vital force about the nature of the disease that it has
become habituated to; connecting up to Source via the energy in the remedy.
September 15, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with San Antonio Texas homeopath Joy Wilson, CCH RSHom(NA).
October 20, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Dosing Part 1. An introduction to the various potency systems, dry vs. liquid dosing, how potencies are chosen for a patient, issues
regarding dosage amount and frequency.
November 17, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Rhode Island homeopath Tricia Feijo.
December 15, 2006:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Dosing Part 2. Review of dry dosing. The rationale behind liquid
dosing. LM potencies. How to do liquid dosing, including LM dosing.
January 19, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with New York homeopath Pierre Fontaine, CCH, RSHom(NA).
February 16, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Classical and alternative homeopathic methodologies Part 1. Treatment of epidemics,
homeopathic "vaccination", isopathy, tautopathy.
March 16, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Portland homeopath Tim Shannon, ND.
April 20, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Alternative homeopathic methodologies, Part 2. Combination remedies, specifics, organ remedies, cell salts, sequential therapy.
May 18, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with California homeopath Deborah Olenev, CCH, RSHom(NA).
June 15, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Treatments loosely related to homeopathy. Machine prescribing, Bach flower remedies, Anthroposophic medicine, herbalism.
July 2007 -- show cancelled.
August 17, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Al Squitieri, who was cured of polymyositis.
September 21, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Spiritual and psychological factors in autism treatment.
October 19, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Minnesota homeopath Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH discussing her new book about vaccination and homeopathic prophylaxis.
November16, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An introduction to miasms.
December 21, 2007:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Ashland, Oregon homeopath Ian Luepker, ND.
January 18, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
The homeopathic way of thinking.
February 15, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Florida homeopath Miranda Castro, FSHom, CCH
March 21, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Symptom patterns and the Doctrine of Signatures
April 18, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with San Diego homeopath Gabrielle Traub, MTech(Hom), CCH -- World Homeopathy Awareness Week, plus some experiences with autism treatment
May 16, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Legal status of homeopathy and the importance of the health freedom movement
June 20, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Another interview with Palo Alto homeopath John Melnychuk, CCH, RSHom(NA), the homeopath that treated Amy's son Max.
July 2008 -- show cancelled.
August 2008 -- show cancelled.
September 19, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An overview of homeopathy organizations in the USA.
October 17, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Dr. Luc DeSchepper, MD, PhD,
DI Hom., CHom., Lic.Ac.
November 21, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
An interview with Dana Ullman, MPH, author of The Homeopathic Revolution: Famous People and Cultural Heroes Who Choose Homeopath
December 19, 2008:
WMA Format;
MP3 Format
Farewell Show: reflections, parting thoughts, and gratitudes
Please Note:
Starting in January 2009, Autism One will continue airing There's Hope with Homeopathy in re-run format.
Homeopathy, Health & Transformation -- Amy is interviewed by Linda Morse, aired August 17, 2009 (MP3 FORMAT), on VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel.
Inner Health Through Homeopathy -- Amy is interviewed by Melissa Burch, aired June 6, 2007.
Listen to Amy speaking about How Homeopathy Works -- an esoteric look at the possible mechanisms of homeopathy.
The audio link below is in MP3 format and is accompanied by a Power Point presentation. Enjoy!
MP3 for How Homeopathy Works
PowerPoint presentation for How Homeopathy Works